Hello, please take a seat in the waiting room. Nurse Yvonne will take care of you right away. What are you missing? But you are hot-I should measure the temperature right away. Oops .. measure fever correctly: how it works: mouth, armpit, Po - where to measure fever best? And which thermometer is the most accurate? What you should know To say it straight away: If you want to have an accurate result, you should measure fever rectally, ie in the buttocks. .. do not be so shy and not afraid .. I'll show you and will show off .. I make everything nice pleasant .. tender and vorsüchtig .. We push the thermometer now with Latex gloves in the small hole in .. uuiii .. I also have to take a sample of the semen from the patient .. or? Mmmh yes -I'm very satisfied with today's result .-) Goodbye and get well soon !! But do not ask your doctor or pharmacist about risks and side effects, but come to me, otherwise your doctor or pharmacist will be there in front of you! Side effects are guaranteed
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